Thursday, September 27, 2012

It Takes Courage to Push Yourself

It’s official. I have registered for my first half-marathon! While I am ecstatic and thrilled to take on this new challenge, I am also terrified. I have never run 13.1 miles or even walked that far at one time in my life. I can’t tell you how intimidated I am of this goal I’ve set for myself. I am so scared that I just knew that I had to do it.
I’m not sure if that concept makes sense but I think my sister put it best when she said, “Usually when I’m afraid or nervous to do something, I know it’s the right move to make.”
After all, if we were indifferent about doing something or making a decision, is it really meaningful to us? With that said, I have spent my 28 years on Earth faithfully staying in my comfort zone where I felt safe. But guys, that’s so boring. I’m determined to turn to change that…one step at a time.
For example, I found a ‘safe’ way to work out a few years ago. I figured if I went to the gym and managed to stay on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes, I was doing great; minimal sweat but at least I was there. Right? Wrong. I wasn’t pushing myself.
So, one day I decided I wanted to challenge myself to do better and be better. I hopped on the dreaded treadmill and I started running. Okay, jogging might be a better verb. But, the point is that I started. I began with a mile at a time…praying each time that I wouldn’t be the girl to trip and fall on her face. By the grace of God, I’ve increased my speed, my mileage, and the number of times I run during the week over the last year.
As I built my confidence in my ability to run on the treadmill, I pushed myself to hit the road and run outside.  And, y’all I have never felt better in my life. I would have never believed in a million years that I’d be running this much and this far. Just last week, I ran 10 miles for the first time EVER! Training for the half-marathon has been hard and has taken sacrifice but it’s so gratifying to know that I’m well on my way to reaching half-marathon status in a few weeks.
In telling you about this journey, I wanted convey that life, at its most basic level, is about pushing yourself. It’s about not being a complacent couch potato. It’s about getting up and being active in your life, not just physically but also mentally. The gym or running may not be that outlet for you but there is a goal out there that can push you to be a better you. So do what I did….even if you’re terrified, unsure, or nervous…take the first step and JUST DO IT. I know you can!